So this weekend I was invited by my good friend elmudo to a comic book workshop. This was specially cool because the artist that was giving the workshop was Carlo Barberi which in case you didn't know is a killer artist, who has worked on many titles for both marvel and DC. And he is also from my hometown of Monterrey, Mexico which makes him even more badass.
Joking aside, it was very insightful to speak and receive advice from another professional, because as you should know, every artist experience is different, regardless on how many years they have been working in the industry, everybody has a different story on how they broke into comics and how to say relevant, produce excellent work and still have a life outside the drawing board (or at least trying to ).
It is my personal opinion that every workshop, every little chat and every porfolio review, every chance you get to speak with a person that is clearly better than you is, is always enlightening because every time you learn something that you didn't know, or you didn't think you know. Is in this occasions that you actually get better because you are forced to act on the spot, trying to get the better part of your work and getting good advice at the same time. In a way it is kind of what they are teaching us at the Kubert School, but as I mentioned before, every artist has a different story.

And one more very important thing is the people you know in these sort of gatherings. You never know who are you gonna end up chatting with, they might just end up being really good people and you never know, may be very good friends for life. And in this business connecting with other peers and colleagues is as important as the ability to draw.
So if you ever get the chance to attend to one of these workshops don't hesitate to do so. That might be your first step in the right direction.
Rock on my friends... y arriba Monterrey!
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