Thursday, April 7, 2011

Art Jam 8: Mecha!

For this week's Art Jam, EDSFOX had an interesting idea. He remembered that the new Thundercats Animated series trailer was just released a couple of days ago, and how epic it is. Since we had already done Thundercats art, we stayed with the "epic" feeling and he suggested something of that magnitude:


I used to love Robotech as a kid and of course the Evangelion anime is no exception. Mechas are uber cool and I have never really tried to do one. So naturally I agreed.

This is my first mecha ever. I tried to used that technique used in the making of concept artwork in which you use blocks of paint with just an idea of what you want and you keep adding and subtracting as you move along. It was a very interesting experiment! I had a log of fun while doing it, and I think I will do more of these in the future.

I recorded all the process.

Hope you dig!

1 comment:

    Hey Drop, what happened at 11:25-11:26 ?
    The building in the background went...voila!!
