Sunday, January 23, 2011

Black Sheep, come on.

So I was at a at Starbucks looking for inspiration. Right... like nobody has done that before.

There is always an excuse for not doing things. If it's not the weather, it's your favorite TV show, or whatever other reason you can come up with. It's like -Oh, I couldn't sketch today because (insert your excuse here) and then it got kind of late and (insert your second excuse here). Hey, I know it's not easy, I've been there, believe me. It took me several years to figure out what my true calling was. I was distracted by the occasional things you know, Rockstaring, partying, booze and being awesome.

But thanks to a friend that invited me to be part of a comic book project (in permanent hiatus by the way) and to the extremely inspiring podcast of Artist Chris Oatley ( I decided to start this blog as a reminder of the journey that everybody has to struggle to become better, artists and what not. Practice makes perfect and inspiration can come from almost anything.

I hope that the contents of this blog helps you in any way to become a better artist and if you have any comments, and I mean any about anything at all, please do not hesitate to write them.

Never give up, never surrender. In the end it's all worth the wait.


  1. Who's the black sheep in this case?

  2. Well, it's me in this case. It's kind of an analogy of how I feel towards where I live and my closest circle of friends and family, because I'm the only one who leans towards art.

  3. I must say I feel kind of offended by the fact that you don’t consider my chosen path art... Anyways, this is your space; it is all about your goals and aspirations so congrats on the Blog! I think it is spot on and very inspiring. Indeed never give up and never surrender.

  4. Bro, c'mon, you are lightyears away from the rest of us. You are an artist, and a samurai. And yes, your pen IS your sword.

  5. Ok, now you just want to make my blush. Keep it up, only greatness awaits you.
